Qitmeer Today's must-Read (08/28). Industry related. 1, DimAI. ai platform has now exceeded 10000+ NFT casting.

28 Aug 2023, 11:37
💫 Qitmeer Today's must-Read (08/28) Industry related 1, DimAI. ai platform has now exceeded 10000+ NFT casting 2, Indian Prime Minister Modi: Cryptocurrencies need a "global framework and regulations" 3, The Lao Electricity company announced that it will no longer supply power to local crypto mining operations 🚀 News trends At present, the Swap function in KAHF wallet runs normally, and no risk is found for the time being. However, because the KAHF team has not yet established an effective user feedback channel and cannot solve product problems in a timely manner, the future situation is difficult to predict. In this case, we recommend that you give priority to using other channels for MEER transactions🤝. When trading MEER, we recommend that you prioritize the use of these platforms 👉 ( MEXC, LBANK, JUBI, Boundlesspay ) for a more stable and efficient trading experience. In addition, we are actively working with other Swap teams to expand more diverse trading options. 👨‍💻 For a tutorial on using MEXC:https://qitmeer.medium.com/how-to-trad-meer-on-mexc-10e1c50a0401