Exciting news. We've started our Qitmeer Blockchain Education series podcast, and it's now available in multiple languages.

09 May 2023, 15:27
Exciting news! 🎉 We've started our Qitmeer Blockchain Education series podcast, and it's now available in multiple languages! 🌍 You can listen to our informative and engaging episodes in English, Chinese, Russian, French, Filipino, Arabic, Japanese, and more to come! 🎧 Follow us on Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Apple Podcasts to stay up-to-date with the latest episodes, and be sure to share with your friends who are interested in learning about blockchain technology! 🔗 Click here to start streaming our podcast on Spotify: ​https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/ysMBMl7eDzb